Our hope for questSTUDENTS
We meet our 6th - 12th grade questSTUDENTS right where they are. We provide a safe place to make friends, have fun, and grow closer to Jesus. We encourage our questSTUDENTS to make a difference in the lives of others by serving on our Dream Team and show them how to make their relationship with Jesus their own.
Get Involved!

Sunday Services
8:30AM | 10:00AM | 11:30AM
Our Students have the same purpose as adults - to Make a Difference in the lives of others. We encourage our Students to attend Growth Track to discover their gifts and where they are equipped to serve on the Dream Team!
Student Events
We have monthly activities that are a lot of fun and serve as a great opportunity to bring your friends!

Student Nights
Sundays - 5:00-7:00pm
Our Student Night experience is about building relationships with each other. Our Student Ministry Leaders prepare age-appropriate messages and ground our Students in biblical truth. Every week at Student Night we will have food, fun games and time together in small groups!
The Thread
Follow The Thread - our Small Group study. The Thread will teach our students how God wove His thread of love through every page of the Bible. We are extremely excited to be taking our students on this journey!

IMPACT Summer Camp & Fall Retreat are life-changing experiences for our questSTUDENTS. It is a highlight to their year and they always walk away closer to Jesus.