Step 1
Learn our vision and mission, how to connect with others and grow your understanding of God's plan for your life to make a difference.
First Sunday of every month

Step 2
Learn how God uniquely created you and discover your personality and spiritual gifts to prepare you to serve others in the way God designed.
Second Sunday of every month

Step 3
Learn how to overcome obstacles that can deter us from God's will for our lives and how to develop your influence (leadership) and deepen your discipleship.
Third Sunday of every month

Step 4
Learn about specific Dream Teams and take the next step to meet with each leader to deploy your God given gifts to truly make a difference.
Fourth Sunday of every month
Steps 1 - 4 are repeated each month in order during the 10:00am service.
Steps 1, 2 & 3 can be attended in any order, but they all must be completed prior to attending step 4.
Steps 1, 2 & 3 can be attended in any order, but they all must be completed prior to attending step 4.
Growth Track guides you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life God created for you.