What to Say to a Gay or Transgender Friend

Oct 18, 2020    Ken Henderson

Addresses the theme of engaging with LGBTQ+ individuals from a Christian perspective. It emphasizes the importance of approaching conversations with love, respect, and understanding, while also conveying traditional biblical views on sexuality.

Key Points:

1) God's Love for All:

The sermon underscores that God loves everyone unconditionally, referencing John 3:16-17 to highlight that God's intention is to save, not condemn, humanity.

2) Human Dignity and Creation:

Psalm 139:13-16 is cited to affirm that every individual is fearfully and wonderfully made by God, emphasizing the inherent dignity and worth of each person.

3) Universal Sinfulness:

Romans 3:23 is mentioned to acknowledge that all people have sinned and fall short of God's glory, promoting humility and empathy in interactions.

4) Biblical Perspective on Homosexuality:

The sermon references passages such as Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:24-27 to convey traditional biblical teachings that view homosexual acts as contrary to God's design.

5) Hope for Transformation:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is highlighted to show that individuals can experience transformation through faith in Jesus Christ, emphasizing the possibility of change and redemption.

6) Approach to Conversations:

The message encourages believers to engage in conversations with LGBTQ+ friends with compassion, avoiding condemnation, and focusing on building relationships that reflect Christ's love.

In summary, the sermon advocates for approaching LGBTQ+ individuals with love and respect, upholding traditional biblical teachings while fostering compassionate and understanding dialogues.