Cory, Jaime, and Savannah

questers since the beginning

We have had the pleasure of being part of quest since before the beginning. Cory clearly heard the Lord’s leading to come alongside Pastor Ken and Donita to help them do what God was calling them to do, and we obeyed. From the very beginning we learned to trust God when things looked impossible for a small congregation. Watching what God has done in and through our church is constant evidence of God’s faithfulness. As quest has grown, we are grateful to have a church family that supports us through the tough times we have faced over the years, and we are sure they will be there for us in the future. This community continues to support us when we weep and when we celebrate.

Our daughter, Savannah, who can’t remember life before quest, has lifelong and new friendships that keep her moving toward God. She finds her purpose in the Body of Christ as she has served in KIDSquest, where she learned to love worship, and is now joining other teams as a young adult. Under the leadership in Student Ministry and now YA, Savannah has learned about making her faith her own, not just being a Christian because her parents are Christians. Small Group with her peers and Pastor Ken’s messages have both given her opportunities to build relationships that have given her confidence in every area of her life and decreased social anxiety through her teen years. She has learned to be a leader and how to follow well here. Being shepherded at questCHURCH continues to teach our family what the grace of God is and reminds us why we left “religion” behind. We still get excited every Sunday to see what God is going to do and who He’s going to bring our way.